
Functionalities for extracting labeled transition lines from a SimCATS CSD (using the metadata).

@author: f.hader

Module Contents



Function for calculating the line coordinates and labels for all linear parts in a simulated CSD.

Module Implementation Details

simcats_datasets.support_functions.get_lead_transition_labels.get_lead_transition_labels(sweep_range_g1, sweep_range_g2, ideal_csd_config, lead_transition_mask)

Function for calculating the line coordinates and labels for all linear parts in a simulated CSD.

Warning: This function expects that IdealCSDGeometric has been used for the simulation. Dot jumps or similar distortions are not taken into account in the calculation of the line coordinates. This means, that the returned lines are the ideal (undisturbed) lines.

  • sweep_range_g1 (numpy.ndarray) – The sweep range for gate 1. Required to know where the boundaries are.

  • sweep_range_g2 (numpy.ndarray) – The sweep range for gate 2. Required to know where the boundaries are.

  • ideal_csd_config (simcats.ideal_csd.IdealCSDInterface) – The IdealCSDInterface implementation that was used during the simulation. It is required to calculate the bezier anchors from the configured TCTs.

  • lead_transition_mask (numpy.ndarray) – Lead transition mask (TCT mask), used to identify involved TCTs.


Array with the line coordinates and list containing dictionaries with corresponding

labels. Every row of the array represents one line as [x_start, y_start, x_stop, y_stop].

Return type:

np.ndarray, list[dict]