Helper functions for converting lines into different representations
@author: f.fuchs
Module Contents
Convert lines from voltage space to image/pixel space. |
Convert lines from image/pixel space to voltage space. |
Change the format from x,y,x,y to x,y,dx,dy. |
Module Implementation Details
- simcats_datasets.support_functions.convert_lines.lines_voltage_to_pixel_space(lines, voltage_range_x, voltage_range_y, image_width, image_height, round_to_int=False)
Convert lines from voltage space to image/pixel space. This method makes a deepcopy of the supplied lines. Therefore, the original input won’t be modified.
- Parameters:
lines (Union[List[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray]) –
Array or list of lines to convert, shape: (n, 4).
[[x_start, y_start, x_stop, y_stop], …]
voltage_range_x (numpy.ndarray) – Voltage range in x direction.
voltage_range_y (numpy.ndarray) – Voltage range in y direction.
image_width (int) – Width of the image/pixel space.
image_height (int) – Height of the image/pixel space.
round_to_int (bool) – Toggles if the lines are returned as floats (False) or are rounded and then returned as integers (True). Defaults to false.
- Returns:
Array with rows containing the converted lines.
- Return type:
- simcats_datasets.support_functions.convert_lines.lines_pixel_to_voltage_space(lines, voltage_range_x, voltage_range_y, image_width, image_height)
Convert lines from image/pixel space to voltage space. This method makes a deepcopy of the supplied lines. Therefore, the original input won’t be modified.
- Parameters:
lines (Union[List[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray]) –
Array or list of lines to convert, shape: (n, 4).
[[x_start, y_start, x_stop, y_stop], …]
voltage_range_x (numpy.ndarray) – Voltage range in x direction.
voltage_range_y (numpy.ndarray) – Voltage range in y direction.
image_width (int) – Width of the image/pixel space.
image_height (int) – Height of the image/pixel space.
- Returns:
Array with rows containing the converted lines.
- Return type:
- simcats_datasets.support_functions.convert_lines.lines_convert_two_coordinates_to_coordinate_plus_change(lines)
Change the format from x,y,x,y to x,y,dx,dy. Order: top point > bottom point and if same y coordinate, right point > left point.
- Parameters:
lines (Union[List[numpy.ndarray], numpy.ndarray]) –
Array or list of lines to convert, shape: (n, 4).
[[x_start, y_start, x_stop, y_stop], …]
- Returns:
Array with rows of lines in x,y,dx,dy format.
- Return type: